Chris Buonocore: "Solutions For 5G & EMFs In Your Home"
Christopher Buonocore has a B.S. in Indoor Health and is certified as a Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC) with the advanced Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) designation. Chris’ passion is to uncover and reduce indoor exposures to create a “Healthy Home” or workspace. A particular interest is placed in creating safe living spaces for those suffering with Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Lyme Disease, Mold toxin exposures and injured veterans. In addition, he has adapted 40 contact hours of FEMA Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosive (CBRNE) Awareness Training scaled to residential applications.
To download video, view it on Vimeo at the following link and click the “download” arrow in the bottom right hand corner: Download Chris’s Video Here.
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"Solutions For 5G & EMFs In Your Home"
Chris begins by explaining what the field of Building Biology is, and how a home is a living breathing organism that needs proper care and maintenance to stay healthy. He introduces the concept of synergistic exposure to toxins within the home and how sometimes we need to widen our perspectives of our homes in order to see the solution. He gives us a very thorough overview of all of the sources of EMF throughout the home – and some of them are pretty surprising! He shares solutions for reducing our EMF exposure in the home and of course, he gives us case examples from his clients as well. You’ll feel a little overwhelmed, but you’ll also feel equipped to identify and reduce your exposure to EMF in your living spaces.
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I am still waiting (with 10 minutes left) for information about 5G mitigation. Otherwise Chris’s information has been very good!